Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London, warns against breaking the precautionary rules to confront Corona, and the danger still exists

Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London, warns against breaking the precautionary rules to confront Corona, and the danger still exists

Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London, warned with the start of the decline in infection numbers for Corona, against breaking the precautionary rules to confront the epidemic, which Britain imposed since the second wave, noting that there are still thousands of injured in hospitals.

Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London, warns against breaking the precautionary rules to confront Corona, and the danger still exists

Sadiq Khan wrote, through his Twitter account: “The numbers that have tested positive for the virus may be starting to decline, but thousands of Londoners are still in hospital and the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) is under incredible pressure. This is not the time to break the rules Please protect people. Around you, stay at home. "

The British Daily Mail newspaper published a report about Britain signing a deal to contract 50 million doses of Coronavirus vaccines, after the Oxford company announced the effectiveness of the AstraZeneca vaccine against the new British strain variant called "Kent", and the deal aimed to obtain doses of virus vaccines. The different strains that have appeared in different parts of the world, after the tests revealed that some of them may be able to evade the immunity caused by the current crop of vaccines.

By : Admin
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