Learn the symptoms after recovery from corona

Learn the symptoms after recovery from corona

A new study found that more than two-thirds of Corona virus survivors who were hospitalized due to infection, still have symptoms that remain after seven weeks, researchers at University College London found that 69% of Covid-19 survivors who were transferred To the hospital, they are still feeling unusually fatigued 54 days after being discharged and cleared of the virus.

Learn the symptoms after recovery from corona

According to the British newspaper "Daily Mail", reports of the so-called "long-term Covid" have spread around the world, indicating that even if vaccines manage to slow the spread of the epidemic, millions may live with permanent effects of infection, as many feel short of breath Persistent coughing or persistent signs of lung problems on X-rays.

The study authors said, it is evidence that a `` long-term Covid '' is a very real phenomenon that may burden people and the healthcare system for months if not years to come as the virus continues to spread.

Worldwide, approximately 51.8 million people have contracted the Coronavirus, including about 10.3 million in the United States and 1.2 million in the United Kingdom.

Overall, survival rates are high, but an increasing proportion of those who beat the infection still feel tired or exhausted, long after they tested negative for the virus and after they are discharged from hospital as well.

For the new study, researchers tracked 384 patients who were discharged after being hospitalized for treatment for the Coronavirus.

On average, patients were in the hospital for six and a half days, but 14.5% had to go to the intensive care units and most patients were chest X-rayed upon admission.

Some (15%) did not show any signs that the infection was progressing to clearly harm the lungs.

But more than half (56)% of those who underwent X-rays were "typical" for a Covid-19 patient - showing opacity and inflammation in the tissues.

30% of these people showed signs of severe infection.

By the time they were discharged, 62% of patients had X-rays in the normal range and 27% showed a "significant improvement" with clearer, healthier lung scans.

But 9% of patients' lungs appeared to get worse later, and also weeks after they were discharged from hospital.

In total, 69% of patients were still fatigued approximately two months after being discharged from hospital.

Separate research suggested that one in five Corona survivors is diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder within 90 days of being discharged from hospitals.

Among the patients whose lung X-rays showed that their lungs were actually in worse condition than when they were discharged from the hospital, up to 30% had higher than normal concentrations of certain blood work proteins.

The researchers did not assess the risk of developing blood clots among the study participants, but Corona itself plus the levels of proteins seen in the patients are life-threatening risk factors.

"Patients with COVID-19 disease severe enough that they require hospital care often continue to have significant symptoms for several weeks after they are discharged from hospital," said Dr. Swapna Mandal, professor at the University of California, Los Angeles and co-author of the study. .

By : Admin
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