Important tips for preventing asthma during the winter season

Important tips for preventing asthma during the winter season

Asthma is one of the common diseases, especially with low temperatures in the winter season. As some patients feel tightness in the chest and worsening symptoms of their disease.

Important tips for preventing asthma during the winter season

The following article provides you with a set of tips for preventing asthma attacks in the winter season. According to the British newspaper Express:

Adhere to medication for preventing asthma

The first line of defense against asthma attacks in the winter is to take medication as prescribed by your doctor. A preventive inhaler can help make the airways less sensitive to stimuli such as cold air. As soon as symptoms appear, such as coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, or chest tightness, you should use an inhaler.

The heating for preventing asthma

When you go out, it is recommended to put a scarf around the nose and mouth to help warm the air before inhaling it, as cold air is one of the triggers of asthma attacks.

Breathe through your nose for preventing asthma

Breathing through the nose also helps to warm the air before it enters the lungs, so breathing through the nose prevents cold air from entering the lungs.

Avoid triggers for preventing asthma

The use of heaters increases during the winter season, which triggers asthma attacks, in addition to scented candles and others, and it is necessary to stay away as much as possible from these triggers.

Carry a protective inhaler for preventing asthma

An asthma patient needs to always use a preventative inhaler even when he feels better. It prevents inflammation and swelling in the airways, and it is usually prescribed to use twice a day.

By : Admin
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