A group wedding on the back of elephants in Thailand on the occasion of Valentine's Day

A group wedding on the back of elephants in Thailand on the occasion of Valentine's Day

118 wishing to marry tied their knot on the backs of elephants in Thailand as part of an annual group wedding ceremony held in a botanical garden in eastern Bangkok on the occasion of Valentine's Day.

A group wedding on the back of elephants in Thailand on the occasion of Valentine's Day

A band and dancers led the elephants' procession, the two intending to get married, and a local official, who was on the back of an elephant, also supervised the signing of the marriage contract papers.

"I have been thinking for a long time that if I were to sign marriage papers someday, the event must be exceptional," said Patipat Pantanon, 26, who married his 23-year-old bride.

A group wedding on the back of elephants in Thailand on the occasion of Valentine's Day

The wedding ceremony on the backs of elephants is an annual event in Nong Noch Tropical Park in Chonburi Province, and usually attracts 200 people willing to enter the golden cage. But the number of participants this year has decreased due to the Corona pandemic.

By : Admin
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