Unveiling CMA CGM’s Revamped Shipping Services: A New Era for Mediterranean, Malta, Libya, and Egypt Connections

Unveiling CMA CGM’s Revamped Shipping Services: A New Era for Mediterranean, Malta, Libya, and Egypt Connections

The leading global shipping company, CMA CGM, has recently announced a significant reconfiguration of their shipping services, solidifying their commitment to enhancing connectivity and providing efficient transport solutions across various countries in the Mediterranean region. This article dives deep into the specifics of the service modifications, exploring their implications for businesses and the overall shipping industry.

Unveiling CMA CGM’s Revamped Shipping Services: A New Era for Mediterranean, Malta, Libya, and Egypt Connections

CMA CGM’s Strategic Redeployment:

The Short Sea Lines division of CMA CGM has unveiled a comprehensive restructuring of three of its pivotal shipping services: TULYB, GTL, and GETEX. This strategic move aims to foster better connections between Turkey, Greece, Cyprus, Egypt, Lebanon, Malta, and Libya, ensuring seamless transportation and logistics operations.

The company has stated that these changes will take effect starting from the 45th week of the year, marking a new chapter in the company’s operational efficiency and customer service.

Exploring the TULYB Service:

The TULYB service, now revamped, is set to serve the markets of Turkey, Greece/Piraeus, Cyprus, Egypt, and Libya. This service is pivotal, ensuring a strong presence of CMA CGM in these regions and facilitating trade and commerce.

The TULYB service boasts a fleet of three vessels, each with a capacity of 1,300 TEUs, ensuring ample space for various cargo. The rotation for this service includes significant ports such as Aliaga, Gemlik, Gebze, Ambarli in Turkey, Piraeus in Greece, Limassol in Cyprus, Old Port of Alexandria in Egypt, and Misurata in Libya, before returning to Aliaga. This extensive coverage ensures that businesses across these regions have reliable access to shipping services.

Furthermore, TULYB offers a weekly frequency with a transit time from Ambarli to Misurata of 11 days and from Piraeus to Limassol of 3 days, ensuring timely and efficient shipping solutions.

Insights into the GTL Service:

The GTL service, another integral part of CMA CGM’s operations, includes a fleet of four vessels, each with a capacity of 1,100 TEUs. This service covers significant ports including Thessaloniki in Greece, Limassol in Cyprus, Damietta in Egypt, Beirut in Lebanon, Iskenderun in Turkey, Malta, Tripoli in Lebanon, Misurata in Libya, and back to Thessaloniki.

Like TULYB, GTL operates on a weekly frequency, ensuring consistent and reliable shipping solutions. The transit times are competitive, with 2 days from Thessaloniki to Limassol, 3 days to Damietta, 7 days to Iskenderun, and 6 days from Iskenderun to Tripoli, facilitating swift movements of goods across these regions.

Implications for the Mediterranean and Beyond:

These service modifications by CMA CGM are poised to have profound implications on the shipping industry in the Mediterranean region and beyond. They reflect the company’s unwavering commitment to providing state-of-the-art shipping solutions, improving connectivity, and enhancing operational efficiency.

By optimizing their service routes and ensuring weekly frequencies, CMA CGM is not just improving their service offerings but is also contributing to the growth and prosperity of the regions they serve, fostering economic development, and creating new opportunities for businesses and communities alike.

Egypt’s Strategic Initiatives:

It is noteworthy to mention Egypt’s ongoing efforts to transform into a global logistical and commercial hub, with CMA CGM playing a significant role in this transformation. The recent inauguration of the "Tahya Misr" multi-purpose station at Alexandria Port by Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, managed by CMA CGM, is a testament to this commitment.

The "Tahya Misr" station is poised to significantly elevate the stature of Alexandria Port, with its ability to handle 12 to 15 million tons of goods annually, accommodate 6 to 7 large vessels simultaneously, and its sprawling 500,000 square meter operational area. The station is also being connected to Egypt’s railway network, facilitating the seamless transport of goods to dry ports across the country.

Furthermore, the strategic location of the station and its capabilities align seamlessly with Egypt’s vision to become a world-class logistical and commercial hub, enhancing the country’s competitiveness on the global stage.


In conclusion, CMA CGM’s strategic service modifications are a bold step forward in enhancing connectivity and operational efficiency across the Mediterranean, Malta, Libya, and Egypt. These changes are not just a testament to the company’s commitment to excellence but also reflect a broader trend of innovation and strategic planning in the shipping industry.

By continuously optimizing their services, embracing efficiency, and contributing to regional development, CMA CGM is setting new standards in shipping, ensuring that they remain at the forefront of the industry, and paving the way for a future of seamless, efficient, and reliable shipping solutions.


By : Admin
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