"Bodies": Unraveling the Intricate Mysteries of Time on Netflix

"Bodies": Unraveling the Intricate Mysteries of Time on Netflix

 The allure of time-based puzzles has always intrigued audiences worldwide. Netflix's new series, "Bodies," adapted from a DC graphic novel, is pushing the boundaries of this fascination.


"Bodies": Unraveling the Intricate Mysteries of Time on Netflix  The allure of time-based puzzles has always intrigued audiences worldwide. Netflix's new series, "Bodies," adapted from a DC graphic novel, is pushing the boundaries of this fascination.

1. A Crime Across Centuries:

The core of the drama is an enigma. A body discovered in four distinct eras spanning 163 years: from 1890 to 2053. But can the mystery be unraveled?


2. Beginning with a Run:

The narrative kicks off with a woman, amidst a group of runners, sprinting across a London bridge. Amidst her trainer's encouragement, she jestingly remarks to a fellow runner about paying extra for five minutes of silence.


3. 2023 - The Modern Detective:

In 2023, Detective Shahra Hassan (played by Amaka Okafor) is called upon during her day-off to help secure a far-right extremist protest in Whitechapel. Streetlights explode, and in the midst of this chaos, her pursuit of a teenage boy, Syed Tahir (played by Chanel Kollar), takes a dark turn. She stumbles upon a body (Tom Motherzdil) with a peculiar tattoo and gunshot wound.


4. 1941 - The WWII Detective:

The year 1941 paints a grim picture with London facing intense bombings by the Germans. Detective Carl Whiteman (portrayed by Jacob Fortchun Lloyd) is under scrutiny for potential mistakes in investigations. Following a mysterious call from a woman (Greta Scatchi) directing him to a body, he discovers the same corpse Shahra Hassan would find 82 years later.


5. 1890 - The Victorian Detective:

Inspector Edmund Hellingheid (played by Kyle Soller) witnesses streetlight explosions while observing patrol officers take a seemingly neglected child from his mother. A trip to Longharvest Lane reveals the all-too-familiar body, this time documented by a journalist named Henry Ash (portrayed by George Parker). The tale takes an unexpected turn when the investigation leads to clandestine pictures of gay couples, unveiling deeply rooted societal issues of the time.


6. The Mystery Intensifies:

While Whiteman undertakes the task of moving the body, a police car tailing him and Inspector Farrell's discovery adds a layer of suspense. However, German bombs disrupt the scene, leaving the following day to unveil another twist: the body found next to Farrell's, entrusting Whiteman with the investigation's lead.


7. 2053 - Into the Future:

Fast forward to 2053, Detective Iris Maplewood (played by Shira Haas) faces an eerily similar scenario. Her electric vehicle halts, the lights go off, and a strange holographic figure emerges, bearing a stark resemblance to the mysterious man from Ash's photograph.



"Bodies" is not just a crime drama; it’s a captivating journey across time that interweaves intricate mysteries with societal reflections. Netflix's venture into this chronicle promises a roller-coaster of emotions, leaving audiences at the edge of their seats, eager to connect the dots from one era to the next.



By : Admin
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