Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg: These two technologies are developing "faster than expected"

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg: These two technologies are developing "faster than expected"

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg noted during the Vivatech conference for startups in Paris that augmented reality and virtual reality are developing "faster than expected", expressing his conviction that these two technologies open the door to a new world of applications and services.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg: These two technologies are developing "faster than expected" Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg noted during the Vivatech conference for startups in Paris that augmented reality and virtual reality are developing "faster than expected", expressing his conviction that these two technologies open the door to a new world of applications and services.

“They (the two technologies) are starting to take off a little faster than we expected,” Mark Zuckerberg said during a live interview with him on video conferencing technology, co-founder of the Paris conference dedicated to start-ups and innovation, Maurice Levy.

Zuckerberg pointed out that Facebook, which recently launched the new virtual reality mask "Oculus Quest 2", currently employs 10,000 people in the areas of virtual reality and augmented reality.

“We are investing billions and billions and billions of dollars” in these two technologies to build “a remarkable future in 5 to 10 years,” the Facebook chief added.

The head of Facebook explained that the applications of virtual reality masks, such as "Oculus" and others, "began to leave" the scope of video games, which were the first areas of their development.

Mark Zuckerberg cited sports training apps and said, "If you have a subscription, you put on a mask and find yourself in a great environment where you follow boxing lessons or dance with a coach."

Mark Zuckerberg also talked about his vision of the "meta universe", a virtual world in which virtual goods can be purchased.

"Think of all the things in your life that don't really have to be physical and can be replaced by 3D images in a world where you wear smart glasses," the Facebook chief added.

"TVs don't need to be physically present anymore, it could just be an app" that displays images on the wall through these glasses that "one can share with their friends," he added.

“Instead of having to produce a TV or some kind of complex physical object that requires factories or raw materials, any kid or developer in the world will be able to do that using a set of 3D design tools, and they will be able to sell their products all over the world without To worry about logistics or shipping.”

He stressed that for Facebook, augmented or virtual reality is not "just a way to provide a great new experience", but rather to launch an "economic wave that can provide opportunities for people all over the world," as he put it.

"This is something we will see unfold in the next five to ten years," he added.


By : Admin
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