All you want to know about benefits of orange ... you will not expect what will happen in the body!

All you want to know about benefits of orange ... you will not expect what will happen in the body!

Oranges are a type of citrus fruit that is low in calories and very nutritious. As part of a healthy and varied diet, oranges contribute to strong and clear skin and can help reduce a person's risk of many conditions.

All you want to know about benefits of orange ... you will not expect what will happen in the body!

This citrus fruit is particularly famous for its vitamin C content, and it contains a range of other plant compounds and antioxidants that may reduce inflammation and work against diseases, so it includes an enormous array of benefits, learn about them through the article.

Orange benefits according to the degree of potency

The benefits of oranges

Oranges are a healthy snack for the human body, and it is an essential ingredient for athletes who want to reach an ideal body, and among its benefits are the following:

1. Eye health

One of the most important benefits of oranges is that they are high in vitamin C, as a medium-sized orange contains 116% of the daily value.

Vitamin C has great benefits for eye health. Vitamin C helps you see by reducing your risk of developing cataracts, promoting the health of blood vessels in the eyes, and slowing the progression of age-related macular degeneration.

Oranges are also high in beta-carotene, a compound our bodies use to make vitamin A, which helps us see in low-light conditions, and vitamin A deficiency is the number one cause of preventable blindness in children.

2. Reducing the risk of stroke

Consumption of flavanones, a compound found in citrus fruits such as oranges and grapefruit, has been shown to significantly reduce the risk of stroke.

This finding came as a result of an extensive study conducted at the Norwich Medical School that analyzed the food consumption of nearly 70,000 women over a 14-year period, and after adjusting for additional factors, researchers found that the women who consumed the highest amounts of flavanones had a 19% lower risk of infection. Stroke of women who took the least amount of flavanones. For the women in this study, flavanone consumption typically came in the form of orange, orange juice, grapefruit, and grapefruit juice.

Consuming vitamin C may also help protect against hemorrhagic stroke, which is a less common type of stroke but often more deadly.

3. Control of appetite

Oranges are a powerful source of fiber, one fruit contains 12% of its daily value, a diet rich in fiber has many benefits, as it helps to normalize bowel movements, reduce cholesterol levels, control blood sugar, maintain intestinal health and help achieve A healthy weight.

One of the most important effects of fiber is that it slows digestion, which helps you feel full for longer after eating, and this can be very beneficial for people who want to cut calories and lose weight - or for anyone looking for an afternoon snack to keep until dinner.

4. Fight cancer

According to the American Institute for Cancer Research, dietary fiber reduces the risk of colon and rectal cancer while fruits in general, and may reduce the risk of lung, stomach, mouth, throat, larynx and esophagus cancers.

Citrus limonoid - a compound found in citrus fruits like oranges - has demonstrated amazing cancer-fighting capabilities in lab tests, including the ability to fight lung, breast, stomach, colon, skin and oral cancers.

5. Healthy skin

The skin may become healthier by eating an orange a day, oranges are rich in vitamin C, which helps your body to form collagen, which is an important protein for building healthy skin, and the high content of orange in beta-carotene also helps your body to produce and process vitamin A, which aids in the growth of skin cells. .

6. Health of blood vessels

It has been discovered that daily vitamin C supplementation can have significant benefits in preventing vascular disease.In a recent study, researchers observed that levels of ET-1-protein activity that narrowed blood vessels - in obese participants and overweight adults. Obesity has a high ET-1 activity, and this makes blood vessels more likely to constrict and increases the risk of vascular disease.

7. Helps repair your body

The vitamin C present in oranges is important for the growth and repair of tissues throughout the body, vitamin C helps heal wounds and maintain healthy bones and teeth, and vitamin C also supports the production of collagen needed to form cartilage, ligaments, tendons, blood vessels, and skin.

It was also found that regular intake of vitamin C may have a beneficial effect in recovering from difficult exercise, and in a two-week study found that participants who consumed 400 mg of vitamin C daily (a medium-sized orange contains about 70 mg) had an improvement in Muscle function and decreased muscle soreness after exercise.

Benefits of orange juice

Orange juice is a popular drink all over the world, and one of the main differences between pure orange juice and eating whole oranges is that the juice contains less fiber, one cup (240 ml) of pure orange juice contains the same amount of natural sugar as 2 whole oranges. What makes it less satiating.

As a result, consumption of fruit juice can often be excessive and may contribute to weight gain and health problems, and this is especially true for juice with added sugar.

Although a good orange juice can be healthy in moderation, whole oranges are generally a better option.

As for the benefits of orange juice, they are as follows:

1. Rich in many important nutrients

Orange juice is rich in many nutrients, including vitamin C, folate, and potassium.A serving (240 ml) of orange juice provides approximately:

Calories: 110

Protein: 2 grams

Carbohydrates: 26 grams

Vitamin C: 67% of the daily reference amount

Folate: 15% of the daily reference amount

Potassium: 10% of the daily reference amount

Magnesium: 6% of the daily reference amount

Orange juice is a concentrated source of vitamin C, a water-soluble vitamin that doubles as a powerful antioxidant and plays a central role in immune function.

2. High in antioxidants

The antioxidants in orange juice promote health by preventing oxidative damage - an imbalance between antioxidants and unstable molecules known as free radicals.

Research shows that antioxidants are essential for maintaining general health and may also help protect against chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes.

3. It may help prevent kidney stones

Kidney stones are small mineral deposits that build up in the kidneys, and they often cause symptoms such as severe pain, nausea, or blood in the urine.

Orange juice can increase the acidity of the urine or urine, making it more alkaline, and studies indicate that having a higher and more alkaline urine pH may help prevent kidney stones.

4. May improve heart health

Heart disease is a serious problem, causing more than 17 million deaths worldwide each year, and some studies indicate that drinking orange juice may reduce many risk factors for heart disease - such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol - and help preserve For the health and strength of your heart.

5. It may reduce inflammation

Acute inflammation is a normal part of the immune response designed to protect against disease and infection, and it is believed that maintaining high levels of inflammation in the long term contributes to the development of chronic disease.

Benefits of oranges for pregnant women and the fetus

Certainly, oranges are one of the best fruits to include in your diet during pregnancy, you must eat the whole fruit to get the maximum benefits.

You can also drink fresh orange juice if you do not like to eat oranges properly, but avoid drinking orange juice available in tetra packages, as it contains preservatives that may not be compatible with your diet.

As for the benefits of oranges for pregnant women and the fetus, they are as follows:

1. Helps strengthen the immune system

Oranges are rich in vitamin C, which can strengthen the immune system of a woman and child, and oranges also release iron and zinc that are essential for the immune system.

Eating oranges can help reduce the risk of allergies during pregnancy .It can also support the growth of cartilage, tissues, blood vessels, and bones in babies.

2. It helps in developing the child's brain

Oranges are a good source of vitamin B6 and folic acid.Eating oranges during pregnancy helps develop your baby's brain and prevent neural tube defects, which are known to cause brain and spinal cord abnormalities in a baby.

The folate content in oranges can aid in the formation of blood cells, the growth of new tissue, and the development of a healthy placenta, however, excessive folate intake may lead to a higher birth weight for the baby.

3. Helps prevent constipation

Oranges are rich in soluble and insoluble fiber and cellulose that can help regulate bowel movements and treat constipation, which is a common problem in pregnancy, and fiber provides complete care for stomach problems and bloating in a pregnant woman.

4. Helps control blood pressure levels

The high potassium content in oranges can help regulate blood pressure levels in pregnant women and relieve high blood pressure.

5. It can keep you hydrated

In addition to contributing to daily fluid intake, oranges provide sodium and potassium to maintain the balance of fluid levels in the body, thanks to the 88% water content, oranges help with water balance and hydration of the body.

6. It can benefit your skin

Oranges are a powerful antioxidant, and consuming them can have a soothing effect on the skin, keeping it tight and firm, and providing adequate moisture to prevent acne breakouts.

Are there any harm to orange?

Oranges do not contain much harm to the health of the human body, but oranges are rich in potassium and excessive intake can harm kidney function, so oranges should be consumed with caution by people who take beta blockers, because this drug causes increased potassium levels in the blood.

People who suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease should also be careful while eating oranges due to the high acid content of this fruit.


By : Admin
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