Beware of it ... Romantic films threaten your marriage with collapse

Beware of it ... Romantic films threaten your marriage with collapse

Because the space between what you expect and what is actually happening results from it at times, and most of it creates a state of dissatisfaction and unhappiness in your marital relationship.

Beware of it ... Romantic films threaten your marriage with collapse

In this article, we will review the most prominent damages that romantic novels and films have on your married life:

1. The impact of expectations on your marital life.

Ideal expectations are a real reason to thwart your marital life, as over time you discover that your expectations for a better reality than you are attracting you to reject your life, as with the passage of time each of you discover a different nature from his expectations for the other party.

This results in reactions that differ between shock and surprise, as many live, waiting for words of love and concern, from a lover who does not do and is not satisfied with what the beloved expects.

It is also necessary to understand the impact of reality and life pressures, which may affect the form of love and the ability of each party to express it, because the husband's permanent preoccupation with work is not evidence of his weak love for you or lack of interest in you.

2. Outlook and origins.

Our expectations, formed as a result of the way we were raised and our perceptions of life, may themselves be defective, and thus produce dysfunctional or unrealistic expectations.

3. Frustration and failure.

The high ceiling of your expectations is a reason for your feeling of failure. Your setting of expectations that differ from the nature of your husband and his personal character makes you in a constant state of complaining, rejecting his actions and tendencies that do not match and do not match your expectations.

This leads to the other party feeling rejected, which increases the tension of the relationship, which may lead both of you to end your relationship, given your feeling of failure to achieve what you were planning to do.

By : Admin
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