Former Egyptian PM Kamal el-Ganzouri dies at 88

Former Egyptian PM Kamal el-Ganzouri dies at 8

Ahmed Al-Counselor Ahmed Al-Ganzouri, son of Dr. Kamal Al-Ganzouri, former prime minister, announced the death of his father a short while ago.

The death of Kamal al-Ganzouri, the former prime minister of Egypt

Kamal al-Ganzouri assumed the premiership for the first time from January 4, 1996 to October 5, 1999, and the Military Council assigned him to form the government on November 25, 2011.

Al-Ganzouri was the author of the idea of ​​the twentieth plan, which began in 1983 and ended in 2003, and was called the Minister of the Poor and the Opposition Minister, when he appeared at the time of his presidency of ministers and his work, which specialized in caring for the low-income.

He previously held the position of Governor of the New Valley and then the Governor of Beni Suef, before running the National Planning Institute, then becoming Minister of Planning and Deputy Prime Minister.

During his tenure as prime minister, he initiated several huge projects with the aim of running the wheel of production, agriculture and expansion away from the crowded Nile Valley region, including the Toshka Flood Project, East Owainat, and the delivery of water to Sinai through the Peace Canal, and the West Gulf of Suez project.

By : Admin
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