Goodbye to insomnia .. 5 magical tips for a quiet sleep during pregnancy

Goodbye to insomnia .. 5 magical tips for a quiet sleep during pregnancy

With the enlargement of the abdomen and the severity of lower back and legs pain in different pregnancy periods, pregnant women face more difficulties during sleep.

Goodbye to insomnia .. 5 magical tips for a quiet sleep during pregnancy

It's not just the acidity or the baby's kicks that wake you up, but the pain on movement and your inability to cope with the apparent belly size.

If you suffer from insomnia during your pregnancy, here are several tips to overcome it:

1. Go to bed every day at a specific time and relax by reading or listening to soothing music.

2. Exercise daily as a pregnant woman.

3. Use the bed only for sleeping, if you do all your daily activities on the bed, stop it.

4. Avoid caffeine and chocolate.

5. Take a warm bath long enough before bed to help you relax.

By : Admin
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