An orangutan monkey rescues a geologist who fell into a mud puddle during his research

An orangutan monkey rescues a geologist who fell into a mud puddle during his research

Yesterday, CNN published the great photo in front of you ...

A picture that will last in history ... captured by photographer Anil Prabhakar in the forests of Indonesia, which are prone to decay ...

The picture shows an orangutan monkey (a governor of his species is currently in danger of extinction), helping a geologist who fell into a muddy pool during his research.

An orangutan monkey rescues a geologist who fell into a mud puddle during his research

A scene, the least that can be said about it, is historical ... in which the monkey is given a lesson to humans who threaten its homeland and its race ... and he says that he has more humanity than they are ♥ ️ ...

When the photographer raised the picture, he wrote over it.

"At a time when humanity is dying within humans, animals lead us to the principles of humanity."

By : Admin
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