Yasmine Rais catches the eye with a look that highlights her femininity ... hot clothes

Yasmine Rais catches the eye with a look that highlights her femininity ... hot clothes

Actress Yasmine Raes has published a new photo on her account on the social networking site to share Instagram photos and videos.

Yasmine Rais catches the eye with a look that highlights her femininity ... hot clothes

Yasmine Rais appeared in a bold, elegant and distinctive look, which caught the eye while wearing an open-breasted pullover and coordinating a white pocket with it.

Director Hadi Al-Bajouri will hold a number of working sessions to find out the final details of the film, and put the final touches before its release early next year.

The movie, Neighbor of the Moon, starring Yasmine Rais, directed by Hadi Al-Bagouri and written by Mahmoud Zahran, and it tells about the love story between Laila and Shady, but something unexpected happens.

Regarding her latest films, only her film, The Thief of Baghdad, exceeded 19 million Egyptian pounds in its second week, to achieve the highest start at the box office.

The film is the first for Yasmine Rais in an action-comedy type, and her character has been well received by audiences and critics.

By : Admin
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