One million additional downloads in one day ... a wave of anger and a mass migration from WhatsApp to Signal ... Details

One million additional downloads in one day ... a wave of anger and a mass migration from WhatsApp to Signal ... Details

Signal has witnessed a massive migration from the world's most famous messaging application, WhatsApp is the largest of its kind among social media applications, as more than a million new users joined Signal in one day, as this big shift is due to a major reason as a result of a change in the privacy policy in the application What's Up.

One million additional downloads in one day ... a wave of anger and a mass migration from WhatsApp to Signal ... Details

According to the US technical site CNET, the major shift to the use of Signal has caused a great growth in the application, as application officials said: It is witnessing a significant increase in the number of new users who participate in the service platform.

Reasons for abandoning WhatsApp and migrating to Signal

New WhatsApp policies

WhatsApp WhatsApp raised great concern among its users, who number more than 2 billion users around the world, because of its intention to force users to share their data with the Facebook application and a number of other applications, but not in an optional way, but rather the conditions will be compulsory for all users, otherwise they must delete The application.

Encouraging Elon Musk and a number of famous people to leave WhatsApp and switch to Signal

A tweet on Twitter was the most influential on the fate of chatting applications, published by the businessman and CEO of Tesla Electric Cars and SpaceX, who became the richest man in the world a few days ago and was followed by a number of celebrities in Trend Sale and toured social networking sites. A huge increase in the number of users switching from WhatsApp to the Signal application.

What is Signal?

The Signal application is a messaging and chatting application like WhatsApp, but it outperforms WhatsApp after many features, including:

Signal's extreme privacy:

 Signal excels on WhatsApp by not sharing users' personal data with any other applications, in addition to that it does not track users nor does it save their search data.

- Signal end-to-end encryption:

Similar to WhatsApp, all messages exchanged on Signal are end-to-end encrypted, meaning that all messages exchanged with your friends will be visible to you and your friends only and not to anyone else.


Celebrities prefer Signal to WhatsApp over WhatsApp

Edward Snowden

A former employee of the US National Security Agency and prosecuted for leaking details of a spyware program, he shared a tweet to him on Twitter in which he says: “He uses the Signal application every day, and this is a note by the FBI,” the US Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Jack Dorsey

He is the executive director of Twitter and also participated in wanting to use Signal, as he retweeted the richest man in the world, Elon Musk, in which he says: "Use Signal", meaning use the Signal application.

The results of encouraging Elon Musk to go to the application of Signal

A company of the same name generates fantastic revenue

Since Elon Musk encouraged him to go to and use Signal, the application witnessed a very large increase with the deletion of a large number of WhatsApp accounts to the point that there is an unknown company called Signal Advance whose shares are traded on the stock exchange at about less than 60 cents per share. Shares rose enormously, reaching $ 7.19 per share, as the Signal application commented on this matter that the company being invested in, Signal Advance, is not the company that owns the Signal chat application, but what happened is just the similarity of the names.

By : Admin
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