Omar Al Balushi, son of the Sultanate of Oman, an ambassador of goodwill, narrates his career in volunteer work

Omar Al Balushi, son of the Sultanate of Oman, an ambassador of goodwill, narrates his career in volunteer work

Loving the homeland, volunteering values, giving, giving, giving, and helping others are fragrant qualities in the souls of those who carry them.

Omar Al Balushi, son of the Sultanate of Oman, an ambassador of goodwill, narrates his career in volunteer work

Goodwill Ambassador Omar Al-Balooshi, son of the Sultanate of Oman, tells "Echo of the Country", his beginnings with volunteer work and the secret of his obtaining the title of Goodwill Ambassador, which he considered the fruits of 10 years of volunteer work that he started in 2008 and was honored to have the title in 2018.

In his speech, Al-Balushi says that he started volunteer work through his practice of fine and literary arts, specifically in the fields of poetry and painting, as he used to offer free courses for those wishing to learn these arts for free, as well as offering free workshops, pointing out that the beginning was from here and he began to engage himself. In volunteer work with passion to this day.

 Al-Balushi added that the great support he received from the supporters of volunteer work had a great impact in starting and completing his career that imprinted a solid imprint inside and outside Oman and thanks to the support of his parents, friends and prominent people in the field of volunteer work who have a reputation inside and outside the Sultanate, pointing out that in At the beginning of his work, he launched a volunteer campaign in the fields of plastic arts and literature, which met with great success and interaction.


Regarding the position of the most favorable person and the one with the shift in his path towards volunteer work, the "Goodwill Ambassador" pointed out that the humanitarian cases in the Sultanate of Oman and the Gulf society are credited with his continuity, interaction and giving that he started since 2008.

 Al-Balushi noted that there are many initiatives launched by the “Ataa” and “Wataniya” initiative, as well as the first “Qom Comun” forum, which was highly successful, and is currently working on preparing the preparations for the Coming Up in its second edition in cooperation with one of the major companies in the concerned Muscat. People with disabilities.

Al-Balushi pointed out that he was awarded the title of Goodwill Ambassador in 2018 after a career in the voluntary field, during which he achieved many tangible achievements, those efforts that were supported internally and externally by the presence of the Gulf community and their unlimited participation as a motivation and moral motivator.

Al-Balushi sent a message of love and generosity through the “Sada Al-Balad Platform”, saying: “I say together hand in hand in the field of volunteer work ... and not to repeat ... We want initiatives to change the Gulf society and to convey the voice of humanitarian giving to all parts of the Arab and Islamic world.” .

By : Admin
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