Treating scars and acne .. Here's the perfect way

Treating scars and acne .. Here's the perfect way

The scars spoil the general aesthetic appearance of the body, which causes discomfort for many women. The scars also reduce a woman's self-confidence.

Treating scars and acne .. Here's the perfect way

Scars are caused by surgery, injury, or the effects of acne during adolescence.

So here are a set of natural recipes that help in removing scars. And moisturize your skin, according to Al-Dustour newspaper website.

Honey for treating scars and acne:

It contains antiseptic and anti-microbial properties, as well as contains a number of antioxidants. To use honey to remove scars, you can put a little honey on your fingertips. Then massage honey on the scars in a circular way and leave it on the affected place for a period of no less than fifteen minutes until it dries up, and then wash your face.

Egg white and lemon for treating scars and acne:

They contain a number of beneficial substances for the body, skin and hair as well, such as vitamin A, which helps get rid of dark spots on the body. As well as vitamin C, which improves skin and reduces scars.

How to prepare egg white and lemon to treat scars and acne

1_Add a spoonful of white white with half a teaspoon of lemon juice.

2_ Mix the ingredients until you get a smooth and fluffy dough.

3_ Put it on the affected place until it dries, and then wash your face.

By : Admin
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