Treat thinning hair with these natural recipes

Treat thinning hair with these natural recipes

Most girls suffer from many hair problems, most notably thin hair, which exposes them to embarrassment. So they try in various ways to find a treatment for this problem. So there are some natural ways to treat thinning hair to give it volume and vitality. According to Al-Dustour newspaper.

Treat thinning hair with these natural recipes
1- Hibiscus with curry leaves is one of the mixtures that add proper nutrition to the hair, put them in a blender with a little water until they become like dough. With the addition of some drops of coconut oil, put on the hair and leave for half, then wash with shampoo, this recipe can be adopted once or twice a week.

2- Two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds in a bowl of water and left to soak for 10 hours. Then grind it into a paste and spread it over the hair for half an hour, then rinse.

3- Garlic is a well-known mixture for hair, so two cloves of it with half a cup of olive oil and lemon juice. Then they massage their scalp. The second step is to apply a plastic cap over the hair after an hour-long massage. Then rinse with water and shampoo, and can be done once or twice a week.

By : Admin
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