Travel to Orvieto Italy - All You Need To Know

Travel to Orvieto Italy - All You Need To Know

The city of Orvieto is nestled on a tuff cliff and exists as a symbol of an extraordinary integration of nature by the work of man. The relationship between architecture and nature has been known to man for a long time and is encrypted in the famous well of San Patrizio that says "quod natura munimento inviderat industria adiecit", which means' what nature denied for defense was added by the work of man 'which in this case is water.

A trip to Orvieto Italy means traveling through history 

A trip to Orvieto Italy means traveling through history with its traces from every period of its almost three thousand years of existence appearing everywhere in this preconstituted material entity. Two statues of Boniface VIII stand at the city gates at opposite ends of the city, suggesting a perfect trip for today's tourist. Once, the Pope entered the city through Porta Soliana, later known as Porta Rocca, and left the city through Porta Maggiore.

These two statues should not be missed on your trip to Orvieto

These two statues should not be missed on your trip to Orvieto, Italy, as they serve as symbols of the care the city truly deserves and the traditional hospitality of its people. These days, reaching the top of the cliff on a mule no longer has to be, because the modern 'alternative mobility' system provides an entrance to the city that is easy to use and interesting with the funicular at one end and a lift. in the other one. The water funicular in the 19th century is now completely modernized and to which the escalators are added, they are signs that the old historical center built on a human scale, has been returned to society and tourists.

Fanum Voltumnae

Traveling to Orvieto, Italy, takes you to the headquarters of Fanum Voltumnae, a most important sanctuary of the Etruscan Federation from the 6th to the mid-3rd century BC. where several elements still exist that say something about an ancient city structure whose name could have been Velzna. Other structures that can be found to show the ancient history of this city are the Temple of Belvedere and the Temple of Tuscany.

Doomsday or the End of the World

Another place that you should not miss on your trip to Orvieto Italy, is Doomsday or the End of the World that Signorelli painted in fresco in the Chapel of San Brizio in its Cathedral between 1499 and 1503 that marked the end of the Middle Ages. The classical portico and the elegant buildings from various eras are discovered wandering through the narrow streets that still reflect their original medieval design, which only shows that the city, despite continuous modifications, has not lost any of its old charms. Be sure to include this beautiful and amazing city on your next trip to Italy.

By : Admin
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