Things to avoid relieve symptoms of chest allergy

Things to avoid relieve symptoms of chest allergy

Chest allergy affects the respiratory system and causes distress for many. It occurs as a result of exposure to some stimuli such as perfumes, fumes, dust, mites or pollen in the spring. Here is the treatment for chest allergies.

Types of chest allergies

Internal sensitivity:

It is produced when the body reacts to some external factors that lead to its sensitivity, such as perfumes or some types of foods.

External sensitivity:

And occurs where the shape of the airways themselves, which causes chronic sensitivity.

Some things need to be avoided

1- Abstain from smoking completely:

Smokers or those who suffer from secondhand smoke are more likely to have chest allergies.

2- Avoid the cold:

Having frequent colds leads to chronic sensitivity in the chest.

3- Inbreeding:

It is better to avoid marrying relatives so that the disease does not continue in the family, especially with a family history.

4- Excessive use of pesticides:

Excessive use of insecticides leads to chest allergies.

Treatment of chest sensitivity permanently

Injection therapy

The patient takes one dose per month, and he is considered the latest in the science of treating allergies. This reduces symptoms and is controlled. Source


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