The best ways to clean white shoes

The best ways to clean white shoes

Some of us suffer from the problem of white shoes getting dirty quickly, and this may be a hindrance for many before buying white shoes despite their love for them, but with simple home methods, white shoes can be protected from dirt.

The best ways to clean white shoes

Toothpaste for cleaning white shoes

Toothpaste works to eliminate white shoe stains quickly and effectively, and toothpaste can be used to whiten shoes in a short period by placing a layer of paste on the shoe and after a quarter of an hour has passed, rinse it with cold water and leave the shoe to dry.

Baking soda for cleaning white shoes

Sodium bicarbonate granules help to penetrate between the molecules of the fabrics in order to eliminate the dirt from the roots, so it is one of the quick ways to whiten shoes, and sodium bicarbonate is used to clean shoes by mixing an equal amount of water and baking soda together, and then we use an old toothbrush to rub the shoes With the mixture, and leave it in the air until the shoe is completely dry, away from the sun.

Shampoo to clean white shoes

Yes, there is no problem in using shampoo to clean the white shoe until it becomes like new again, so the amount of 2 cups of water is mixed with a quarter cup of shampoo of any kind, and with a used toothbrush, we rub the shoes with the mixture and then use the cloth to dry it.

Dishwashing liquid for cleaning white shoes

Dishwashing soap does not cause any problem on shoes, but on the contrary increases its cleanliness and luster, and dishwashing liquid is used in terms of putting 2 cups of water and it is warm with a quarter cup of liquid, and we rub the shoes with that mixture well until we notice the disappearance of stains.

Glass cleaner for cleaning white shoes

Some people may be surprised to use glass cleaner to clean shoes, but it is very effective in cleaning shoes, such as cleaning the glass and making the shoes white, so we use it by mixing two cups of water with a quarter cup of glass cleaner liquid, and we rub the shoes with that mixture well, and then leave it in the air Talcum so that it dries naturally and avoids the accumulation of bacteria on it.

By : Admin
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