The art of choosing socks with clothes

The art of choosing socks with clothes

The simplest tasks seem to be the most complex, and this reality applies to socks, especially when you start to question their color and suitability for what you wear.

The art of choosing socks with clothes

In this article, we offer you some tips to help you choose the right one.

Harmony - the art of choosing socks with clothes

If you are confused about your matter, always choose the option that is in harmony with the color of your pants, if you wear dark blue pants, you can choose dark or light blue socks, or if you wear a gray suit, you can choose the charcoal color of the socks.

A number of fashion professionals have tried to make the task easier for you, so they set general rules for choosing socks, which are summarized by finding color harmony between pants, socks and shoes. Generalize this principle to all colors you wear.

Quality of the fabric - the art of choosing socks with clothes

Which fabric to choose for socks? This is related to taste in the first place, but it requires special attention as well. If you want to use thick woolen socks, for example, you must wear what suits them with a similar fabric, such as a woolen sweater, for example. The same applies to the quality of other fabrics, so again harmony imposes itself when it comes to the quality of fabrics.

The chic and casual look - the art of choosing socks with clothes

If you like a smart modern look and prefer socks with a pattern, you can match them with the color of the shirt or tie. For example, a black suit with a red tie and black shoes requires black socks with a red pattern. Or the easiest option, which is black socks, can be adopted.

The same applies to casual clothes, as matching is the basis, blue jeans with black shoes and a white shirt, the options here are many, either blue in its shades, white or black, and even socks with a pattern.

A different look - the art of choosing socks with clothes

There are some bold colors and patterns, but we must always return to the color wheel, the bold look does not mean falling into error, the colors must match, otherwise your boldness will turn into a catastrophic failure in choosing the colors, the patterns and bold colors can be chosen, but they must be appropriate for clothes and shoes.

Sports socks - the art of choosing socks with clothes

Two types of sports socks, high and low, and most of them are made of cotton and come in many colors, the focal point here is the shoe, and the colors of the shorts or t-shirt can also be adopted and even the color of the brand that wears it.

By : Admin
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