Mohamed Ramadan fell to the ground on the culmination stage of an art festival in Dubai ... Video

Mohamed Ramadan fell to the ground on the culmination stage of an art festival in Dubai ... Video

The artist, Mohamed Ramadan, fell to the ground while passing on the coronation podium in one of the new festivals in the Emirate of Dubai, where the video of his fall spread very widely among the pioneers of social media, and met the ridicule of many, especially since the fall was sudden while he was passing in a way controlled by pride.

Mohamed Ramadan fell to the ground on the culmination stage of an art festival in Dubai ... Video

The Acting Professions Syndicate has suspended the artist, Muhammad Ramadan, from acting after taking several photos with a group of Israeli artists, as these pictures met with outrage from the pioneers of social media.

Muhammad Ramadan is currently in the Emirate of Dubai for nearly 10 days, as he traveled there to spend a relaxing period there, as well as his association with honoring there with the hospitality festival, which is being held now.

Mohamed Ramadan fell to the ground on the culmination stage of an art festival in Dubai ... Video

Mohamed Ramadan fell to the ground on the culmination stage of an art festival in Dubai ... Video

Mohamed Ramadan fell to the ground on the culmination stage of an art festival in Dubai ... Video

By : Admin
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