Important steps to control excess weight and blood sugar (diabetes)

Important steps to control excess weight and blood sugar (diabetes)

Diabetes is a chronic disorder characterized by a persistently high blood glucose concentration due to impaired secretion of the hormone insulin, insulin resistance, or both. With changing lifestyles and increasing obesity, the prevalence of diabetes has increased worldwide, proving to be a global public health burden. For a time now news report, experts are advising individuals with diabetes or at higher risk of lifestyle changes, including eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly.

Important steps to control excess weight and blood sugar (diabetes)

Diet plays a pivotal role in diabetes care and management. Making healthy food choices along with physical activity can help you avoid weight gain or maintain weight loss, which may help people with diabetes better control blood sugar levels.

Nutritional advice to keep your weight and blood sugar under control

Track your carbohydrate intake: Monitoring carbohydrate intake is absolutely essential in managing blood sugar when choosing foods that contain carbohydrates. Choose foods rich in nutrients and rich in fiber such as whole grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables and low-fat milk instead of processed foods that contain fat, sugar and sodium. Carbohydrates also feel full for 3-4 hours after eating, this helps prevent unhealthy snacks in between and thus reduce your total caloric intake.

 Simple carbohydrates in the form of sugars, sweets, candy, and sugar-sweetened beverages such as soft drinks, fruit juice concentrates, and high-fructose corn syrup are not recommended.

Eat protein to control excess weight and blood sugar:

Including high-protein foods in your diet helps satisfy hunger without significantly affecting blood sugar levels. A high-protein diet can also help you build lean muscle and lose weight by keeping you feeling satisfied and preventing overeating.

Choosing good fats to control excess weight and blood sugar:

The type of fat consumed is more important than total fat because diabetes is a risk factor for coronary heart disease. Unsaturated fatty acids such as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids should replace foods rich in saturated and trans fats to prevent heart disease, which is common among diabetics. It is recommended to include vegetable oils when cooking instead of butter, cream, margarine, or other animal fats. Eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids such as flaxseeds and chia seeds and fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines, and mackerel can serve as heart protection.

Do not miss meals to control excess weight and blood sugar:

It is not recommended to skip meals in diabetes because it can lower blood sugar levels. After taking medication or insulin, skipping meals or delaying eating can lead to hypoglycemia, so maintaining discipline at mealtimes is very important. Skipping can also lead to weight gain or make losing weight more difficult because It causes your metabolism to slow down.

Part control exercise to control excess weight and blood sugar:

Quantity control is emphasized in managing weight as well as better sugar. It is recommended to eat three small to medium meals with two healthy snacks in between. Your healthy snacks can be seasonal or homegrown fruits, vegan salads with boiled or ground nuts or legumes, boiled egg whites, soup, or yogurt.

By : Admin
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