How to remove tea stains from carpet very easily

How to remove tea stains from carpet very easily

Tea is one of the most delicious and important drinks, especially in the winter season, because the winter is cold and the body loses much energy to warm itself. So a person feels his need for hot and sweet drinks to replace the energy he has lost. Therefore, carpets are more susceptible to tea stains, especially when children are at home and not paying attention, so it is necessary to talk about the fastest and surest way to remove tea, and here comes a detail of 

how to remove tea stains from carpet:

The tea stain is dried with a dry cloth immediately and quickly, and the stain is dried by pressure, not scrubbing, in order to narrow the stain as much as possible and not spread it widely.

Place half a cup of white vinegar with half a cup of cold water, mixing it well, paying attention not to using hot water, because this fixes the stain instead of removing it.

How to remove tea stains from carpet very easily

Makes a paste consisting of three tablespoons of soda and one tablespoon of vinegar, until it becomes the consistency of a paste and applies only to the stain. You should wait for at least three minutes and be careful not to rub or break it on the carpet, and for this you must press a wet piece of sponge or cloth on it.

Use a dry cloth to remove any remaining mixture on the carpet.

The mixture of water and vinegar is well sprayed on the stain and rubbed, but in a strong pressure method, not rubbing, as you must pay attention to this matter carefully.

Wash the stain with a little cold water and try to dry it with a clean cloth, noting that the stain has completely disappeared or the process is repeated, and this is an illustration of how to remove tea stains from the carpet.

By : Admin
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