How to prepare a delicious recipe for shrimp with oil and lemon

How to prepare a delicious recipe for shrimp with oil and lemon

Shrimp is a delicious seafood that contains many nutrients beneficial to health and prevents various diseases, and this article reviews the method of making shrimp with oil and lemon:

How to prepare a delicious recipe for shrimp with oil and lemon

Ingredients to prepare a recipe for shrimp with oil and lemon:

1 kilo peeled shrimp.

Half a cup of lemon juice.

2 tablespoons of olive oil.

2 tablespoons minced garlic.

1 teaspoon paprika.

2 tablespoons of chopped green coriander.

3 tablespoons of butter.

2 teaspoons of salt.

A glass of water.

Lemon slices.

How to prepare a recipe for shrimp with oil and lemon:

Bring a large pot and put the cookable olive oil in it, and leave it on a quiet fire until it gets hot.

Put the shrimp, stir, add salt, and stir until the shrimp changes color.

Add the chopped garlic and stir well.

Put the butter and stir until the butter melts completely, and add to the ingredients lemon juice and paprika.

All ingredients were stirred together over a quiet flame.

Add the water and leave it on the stove until the shrimp are soft.

Add chopped coriander and stir, then place the meal in a serving bowl, and decorate the shrimp with lemon slices and honeysuckle and cured.

By : Admin
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