Get white teeth in 5 minutes .. and yeast is the password

Get white teeth in 5 minutes .. and yeast is the password

Yellow teeth occur despite careful brushing and care. Perhaps because of smoking or drinking some drinks. This is what prompts people to go to clinics to resort to whitening methods that are not without some side effects.

Get white teeth in 5 minutes .. and yeast is the password

In the following lines, a natural recipe that brings you great results and helps eliminate yellowing and whitening teeth.

the ingredients:

A quarter of a teaspoon of instant yeast

A quarter of a small spoon of baking powder

Tooth paste

Quarter teaspoon of salt

How to use:

Prepare the toothbrush and put the paste on it.

Top the yeast paste, baking powder and salt.

Rub your teeth well with this mixture for 5 minutes, and then wash your teeth, to get whiter teeth.

By : Admin
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