Food for preventing and treating stomach ulcers .. Very important

Food for preventing and treating stomach ulcers .. Very important

Many people of all ages suffer from the problem of stomach ulcers, which are ulcers that occur in the lining of the stomach or small intestine. Most of the ulcers are located in the small intestine and are called the duodenal ulcer.

Food for preventing and treating stomach ulcers .. Very important

Ulcer symptoms

According to "Healthline", the common symptoms of stomach ulcers are discomfort between meals or during the night, discomfort when eating or drinking, stomach pain that wakes you up at night and feeling full quickly.

Early detection of stomach or duodenal ulcers contributes to avoiding deterioration of the condition, eliminating suffering quickly, and being able to treat in a shorter period.

Natural ways to treat stomach ulcers

1. Cauliflower for treating stomach ulcers

Cauliflower contains sulforaphane and compounds that destroy bacteria in the digestive system

2. Radish for treating stomach ulcers

Radish includes fiber that aids in digestion and absorption of zinc and other minerals.

3. Apples for treating stomach ulcers

Eating an apple every day reduces the chances of stomach ulcers, and apples contain flavonoids that prevent the growth of stomach germs, which are a major cause of stomach ulcers.

By : Admin
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