Commercial lithographic printing

 Commercial lithographic printing

Commercial printing of works of art on a smooth surface is known as lithography. It is widely used to print text on paper or any other material. The long and intricate process of lithography involves the use of a complete printing block to make contact with the sheet of paper, which obtains the required image in the first with the help of a chemical process.

Lithography is also known as a planographic printing process, as the block of printing used in the process is flat. The expert draws the desired image on the surface of the block with the help of an oil-based medium and an acid emulsified with gum arabic. This in turn creates a layer of salt around the image. The process known as etching results in the absorption of this layer of salt.

Using turpentine, the drawing material is now removed, leaving behind the layer of salt that contains the traces of the original design. When you have to print, wet the stone with water and apply ink to the surface. Run this paper and stone combination through the press, which transfers the ink to the paper and results in beautiful, clear prints.

Over the years, many improvements have been made to this basic lithographic process to achieve a higher level of commercial competence. In the United States, various industries have been established that involve lithographic printing of things like letterheads, labels, and other high-demand stationery.

People in the printing business find the lithographic printing process an excellent method for printing text and illustrations. With the application of this innovative process, more than 1,000,000 impressions can be obtained in a short and medium time. In addition to printing newspapers and books, companies in the printing industry can use lithographic printing for general commercial printing, fast printing, and printing of business forms and legal documents.

By : Admin
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