Donald gorsk burger freak eats sandwich #32,340

Donald gorsk burger freak eats sandwich #32,340

An American obsessed with eating burgers has raised his record for eating a Big Mac to 32,340 he has eaten since 1972, according to the Guinness World Records.

Donald gorsk burger freak eats sandwich #32,340 An American obsessed with eating burgers has raised his record for eating a Big Mac to 32,340 he has eaten since 1972, according to the Guinness World Records.

Donald Gorske held the world record for most McDonald's takeaway burgers in his life in 1999, when he reached 30,000 sandwiches.

The record holder has kept his order receipts since May 17, 1972, when he bought his first car, and at that time he was devouring up to 9 sandwiches a day, according to the UPI news network.

Gorsek cannot resist his daily craving for the Big Mac, which he considers to be the most delicious meal in the world.

"He didn't tell me about his obsession with burgers when I first met him, but it wasn't an obsession between us, and he kept eating them every day, and I brought them to him sometimes," says his wife, Mary.

It is strange that this huge amount of ready-made meals did not cause the man any health problems, if he confirms that his latest medical examinations indicate that his cholesterol level is low and he lives with normal blood pressure.

The 64-year-old says he keeps himself healthy by making sure his meals are oil-free and taking long walks every day.

By : Admin
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