Eating yogurt before bed calms the nerves and protects against insomnia

Eating yogurt before bed calms the nerves and protects against insomnia

Nutrition experts advise to eat yogurt before bed, because of its many health benefits.

Eating yogurt before bed calms the nerves and protects against insomnia Nutrition experts advise to eat yogurt before bed, because of its many health benefits.

According to Livestrong, eating yogurt is a good option for those looking for a late-night snack before bed.

Foods that are high in protein, such as yogurt, help you feel full and reduce your craving for a piece of candy or a slice of pizza.

Yogurt has the added benefit of being rich in calcium. Yogurt is not only good for the bones, but it is also able to improve the quality of sleep.

Eating yogurt before bed helps to get rid of sleep disorders and insomnia, because it contains a high percentage of the mineral magnesium.

Magnesium plays an important role in calming nerves and relaxing muscles, thus increasing the ability to sleep.

Yogurt also contains tryptophan, which makes it a useful food to overcome insomnia, because this substance contains an amino acid that stimulates the brain to produce the hormones serotonin and melatonin, which help sleep.

By : Admin
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