How do you keep your hair healthy and shiny in the summer?

How do you keep your hair healthy and shiny in the summer?

The hot weather in the summer season is difficult to control in order to protect your hair from damage, but you can still control some other things to get healthy and shiny hair despite the summer heat.

How do you keep your hair healthy and shiny in the summer? The hot weather in the summer season is difficult to control in order to protect your hair from damage, but you can still control some other things to get healthy and shiny hair despite the summer heat.

Today we offer you 6 important tips according to hindustantimes, in order to protect your hair in the summer season, avoid the problems of high heat, sunlight, dirt and dust, and to appear in your best aesthetic way.

Cover hair

When going out in hot weather, with the hot rays of the sun, try to cover your hair with a scarf, in order to protect it from heat, dirt and germs, in addition to protecting the color of your hair if it is dyed, as the dye interacts with the sun's rays, and it may lead to change its color.

Take care of your health

Eating fruits and vegetables that contain a high percentage of water and fiber, and drinking a lot of water, throughout the day, will make a difference in your hair getting adequate hydration, so remember always that indirect moisturizing of hair through proper nutrition will spare you from spending a lot of money On expensive products to protect your hair.

Do not wash it often

We tend to wash our hair more frequently than is required in the summer, due to the high humidity, the feeling of itching, and the secretion of sebum by the scalp, unlike the winter season, but washing the hair too much will damage and weaken the strands, especially when you rinse it on a daily basis. By doing this, you do not allow the scalp to secrete the natural substances that the hair needs to maintain its health and luster, and washing hair two to three times a week is best suited in the summer.

Air dryers

During the summer, avoid using hair dryers or styling products, as the weather can actually make your hair foggy and dry, so let your hair dry naturally for healthy, shiny hair.

Weekly cream bath

Give your hair an opportunity to moisturize and care, and this could be done on a weekly basis, by using cream baths rich in natural substances, to coat the follicles, protect them from damage and split ends, and maintain hair moisture.

Natural masks

Natural masks contribute very greatly to preserving the beauty and health of your hair, especially those types that you do yourself at home, using materials free of chemicals, with the application of elements that contain high moisturizing such as milk, yogurt, as well as various natural oils.


By : Admin
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