20 years in prison awaits Vanessa Rondeau, a Canadian trade in skulls of bears
A Canadian woman accused of smuggling and illegal trafficking of members of species protected under the Wildlife Act faces a prison sentence of up to 20 years and a fine of $ 250,000, after her involvement in selling polar bear skulls was revealed.
The Canadian Ministry of Justice said that the accused, Vanessa Rondeau, from Montreal, sold the skulls of the polar bear in two separate deals to a secret agent who contacted her from the United States, through an advertisement through one of her accounts on social networking sites.
When she was arrested by customs authorities at the US border, Vanessa Rondeau, who runs a shop selling exotic items, was carrying many limbs and elements collected from the bodies of wild species, including raccoon feet, antelope antlers and shark jaws, according to the New York Post.
According to court papers filed with the Canadian Department of Justice, the 26-year-old sold the skull of the polar bear to a secret agent of the US Fish and Wildlife Service for $ 780 the first time, and $ 600 in the second sale.
The girl was released on bail of $ 50,000 pending trial on charges of smuggling and violating endangered species protection laws.