The World Health Organization calls for stopping the "Angelina 19" program on a Tunisian channel - Angelina Jolie

The World Health Organization calls for stopping the "Angelina 19" program on a Tunisian channel - Angelina Jolie

The World Health Organization sent a letter to the Tunisian Foreign Ministry, asking it to stop a hidden camera program broadcast on a Tunisian TV channel.

The World Health Organization calls for stopping the "Angelina 19" program on a Tunisian channel - Angelina Jolie

According to Tunisian websites, the World Health Organization has called for the "Angelina 19" program, which is broadcast on Nessma, to be stopped.

Because its logo was used in the program without a license or permission, according to the Ninth TV website.

According to the message, the program represents a disregard for international efforts aimed at dealing with the Coronavirus pandemic, and the exploitation of the organization's image without prior permission, which constitutes an offense to the UN organizations by deluding the victim that the person receiving the vaccination suffers from side effects, in addition to exploiting the peak viewing time, which is reflected negatively. To make people aware of the importance and necessity of vaccination against the Corona virus, according to the Tunisian "Business News" website.

By : Admin
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