British singer Marianne Faithfull suffers from a long-term infection from the Corona epidemic

British singer Marianne Faithfull suffers from a long-term infection from the Corona epidemic

The British singer Marianne Faithfull is recovering with difficulty from the "Covid-19" epidemic, so she is still unaware of the date of her return to singing again, despite her success in releasing a new album in which she recites poems with musical accompaniment. According to Agence France-Presse.

British singer Marianne Faithfull suffers from a long-term infection from the Corona epidemic

Marian explained that the pandemic has hurt her a lot, saying: “This pandemic has hurt me a lot, I almost lost my life, and now I suffer what is called a long-term covid, I have lung problems and cannot speak for long.”

As for the possibility of her returning to singing, she adds: “I do not know. I hope so. I practice once a week with a friend who visits me at home, but I do not know the actual answer to this question. Not being able to sing forever is a terrible idea, but this may happen and I cannot change anything. ”

But the British singer reassures her fans that she has not given up, and has completed a project that she had begun working on before her illness, which is performing romantic poems from the 19th century with musical accompaniment.

The company "BMG" is launching Friday the album titled "She Wocks in Beauty" based on a poem by the famous British poet Lord Byron.

Marianne Faithfel described the work as a “dream that became a reality,” noting that she wanted to fulfill it “a long time ago,” but this desire “was often not understood and I should have found the right people.”

By : Admin
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