Weapons are silent .. Watch the Pope's call on the communication sites in Iraq #لتصمت_الاسلحة

Weapons are silent .. Watch the Pope's call on the communication sites in Iraq

Al-Arabiya TV showed a video revealing that a hashtag called "Silence Weapons" was released, which is the highest-most popular hashtag on social media, after the "Pope of the Vatican" delivered his speech after his arrival in Iraq.

Weapons are silent .. Watch the Pope's call on the communication sites in Iraq

The video added that the Pope, during his speech, called for establishing peace, rejecting violence and fighting corruption, and called for strengthening institutions, stopping violence and curbing weapons.

The video indicated that the hashtag met with widespread interaction and was used by tweeters to accuse Iran and its militias, stressing that the site visitors called for responding to the Pope's call.

By : Admin
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