Tragic ending .. NASA expects the disappearance of oxygen from Earth at this date

Tragic ending .. NASA expects the disappearance of oxygen from Earth at this date

Scientists from the United States and Japan have speculated that the sun will warm up, which will lead to a warming of the atmosphere and disrupt the action of carbon dioxide, which will make plants unable to produce oxygen.

Tragic ending .. NASA expects the disappearance of oxygen from Earth at this date

This came in a study conducted within the framework of a program for the US space agency "NASA" and published in the journal "Nature Geoscience".

It is known that oxygen and nitrogen are the two basic components of the Earth's atmosphere, and oxygen is present in the atmosphere by the photosynthesis process carried out by plants.

The study also indicates that, in the absence of plant life, the oxygen that humans and animals need to breathe will disappear. Emphasizing that future oxygen removal is an inevitable consequence of increased solar glare.

And in details, the scientists emphasized that as our solar system ages, the sun will get hotter. The increased production of solar energy will lead to a heating of the Earth's atmosphere and lower levels of carbon dioxide.

By : Admin
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