Some of them are cause for concern ... the reasons for waking up at night while you are hungry

Some of them are cause for concern ... the reasons for waking up at night while you are hungry

Many people feel so hungry at night that they wake up from their sleep to devour food, and this is strange because the body's biological clock does not expect food at this time, according to doctors.

Some of them are cause for concern ... the reasons for waking up at night while you are hungry

Partially regulated hunger levels generally rise throughout the day, are highest in the evening, and decrease throughout the night and into the morning. So if you wake up in the dead of night and you are hungry, experts say that it is worth looking into, according to what the "24 Emirati" website reported.

"The sleep drive can be very powerful, so if the brain and body wake up in the middle of sleep due to hunger, this actually indicates that something has stopped," University of Chicago behavioral neuroscientist Irene Hanlon says.

The experts listed a group of reasons why some wake up feeling hungry at night:

Not eating enough food during the day

If you are not consuming enough calories during the day, you may find yourself waking up in the middle of the night. And if you are on a diet or restrict it in any way, such as skipping meals or exercising too much, you may not be eating enough calories.

Not getting enough sleep

Sleep deprivation can lead to an imbalance of the appetite-regulating hormones ghrelin and leptin, which can leave you feeling extra hungry and looking for carbohydrate-rich foods even in the late-night hours.


Sometimes it is not physical hunger that wakes you up in the middle of sleep, but rather because your body responds to a period of stress in your life, and once you wake up, you may turn to food to calm yourself.

Nocturnal eating syndrome

When those midnight trips to the refrigerator happen frequently - at least twice a week for months - it may be a sign of a disorder called "nocturnal eating syndrome," and she needs to see a specialist.

By : Admin
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