Russia announces the emergence of the South African strain of Corona

Russia announces the emergence of the South African strain of Corona

The Federal Authority for the Protection of Consumer Rights and the Welfare of Citizens, "Ros Potribnadzor", confirmed the discovery of the presence of a South African strain of Corona virus in Russia.

Russia announces the emergence of the South African strain of Corona

The authority added, in a statement on its website. That the Brazilian strain of the virus has not yet been discovered, in the Russian lands.

And she continued: “Twenty-eight forms of genetic isolates were discovered from the British type, and two from the South African type. There are no isolations of the Brazilian type. ”

And "Ros Potribnadzor", according to news agencies, confirmed the discovery of other mutations of the virus, in 16 cases.

On March 10, Rus Butribnadzor's head, Anna Popova, was mentioned. That at that time, no specimens of the South African strain had been discovered in Russia.

By : Admin
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