A new decision on daily Corona tests at the White House

A new decision on daily Corona tests at the White House

Media revealed that White House employees should not take daily coronavirus tests. They can now have it once a week.

A new decision on daily Corona tests at the White House

And the American website Axios quoted a White House spokesman, Kevin Munoz. "The effect of other measures imposed by the White House due to Corona is still continuing."

The spokesman added: “The White House maintains strict protocols related to the Coronavirus ... The reasons for the protocols about testing are due to a number of factors, including the state of vaccination of employees. It is one of the existing measures aimed at reducing the risk of injury in the workplace. ”

He added that "wearing face masks and maintaining social distance is still necessary."

The administration of US President "Joe Biden" imposed on White House employees who work near senior officials. Doing daily Corona virus tests, and wearing a Type 95 mask.

By : Admin
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