Women demonstrate in Poland against laws prohibiting abortion

Women demonstrate in Poland against laws prohibiting abortion

Hundreds of women demonstrated in the Polish capital Warsaw, today, Saturday, to protest against the tightening of laws on abortion in the country, which came into effect recently in Poland.

Women demonstrate in Poland against laws prohibiting abortion

According to photos published by Reuters news agency, Polish police used violence to disperse the demonstrators, and arrested dozens of women participating in the rallies that roamed the capital, Warsaw.

The Polish police used tear gas against the demonstrators protesting the tightening of laws on abortion, which makes obtaining this medical service almost impossible.

Poland has been witnessing mass demonstrations a year ago against the decision banning abortion in the event of birth defects, and quarrels erupted in parliament, and some opposition deputies carried banners bearing the words "This is war" and "shame."


In previous statements, the leader of the ruling party asserted that the court ruling could not be revoked, and Deputy Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski said that the protests are "attempts to destroy Poland", and urged the people to "defend the nation" and the Catholic Church, and to refuse to demonstrate.

Women demonstrate in Poland against laws prohibiting abortion

Women demonstrate in Poland against laws prohibiting abortion

By : Admin
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