Li Wenliang is the first anniversary of the death of the first doctor who warned of the Coronavirus

Li Wenliang is the first anniversary of the death of the first doctor who warned of the Coronavirus

  A year after his death from the Corona virus, residents of Wuhan, China, commemorated the first memory of the doctor who first warned about the outbreak of the Coronavirus before official statements.


Li Wenliang is the first anniversary of the death of the first doctor who warned of the Coronavirus

Li Wenliang, an ophthalmologist at a city hospital, became one of the most visible figures in the early days of the outbreak in Wuhan when he tried to sound the alarm about his appearance, but was reprimanded by the police for "spreading the rumors."


The death of the 34-year-old from the virus on February 7, sparked an outpouring of public mourning and rare expressions of anger online.

By : Admin
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