Canada launches the world's first Bitcoin exchange fund

Canada launches the world's first Bitcoin exchange fund

Canada authorized the launch of the world's first stock exchange Bitcoin investment fund. This gives retail investors greater access to this burgeoning digital currency.

Canada launches the world's first Bitcoin exchange fund

It is awarded the Ontario Securities Commission, which oversees the Toronto Stock Exchange. Approval of the launch of this fund for traded indices proposed by "Barbos Investments, Inc."

A spokesman for the committee said, "The fund will be listed on the stock exchange as of next week under the slogan (PTCC)."

The company added that “this fund for traded indices will be the first in the world to invest directly in Bitcoin. That is based on financial support and not on derivatives. This provides investors with easy and effective access to the emerging asset class of electronic currencies without the risks associated with digital wallets.

The Gemini Trust cryptocurrency platform will be the sub-supervisor of the fund to be managed by Canadian CIBC Mellon Global Securities.

By : Admin
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