What is the red button that disappeared from the White House with Biden taking over

What is the red button that disappeared from the White House with Biden taking over

With Joe Biden entering the White House, he revealed to reporters that he had decided to cancel the "No Good" button on the desk that belonged to former President Donald Trump, which one of them jokingly described as a "nuclear button."

What is the red button that disappeared from the White House with Biden taking over

And as reported by "CBS", the former US president was a fan of cola, especially the diet (sugar-free). A click on this button provided him with "Diet Cola" immediately, so that he used to consume 12 cans of it daily.

A report by the American newspaper "New York Times" indicated in 2017, that Trump consumed excessive cola while he was in his office at the White House.

With the entry of the new US president, Joe Biden, to the White House, many changes have taken place at various levels. In the midst of changes in decisions. With the emergence of new variables within the White House, including updating its official website to include the Spanish language that former US President Donald Trump had canceled in 2017. Another matter came to the fore that caught the attention of many, especially those who followed the Trump era over the past 4 years.

In the Oval Office inside the White House, there was a "red button" that caught attention. It was a favorite of Trump, and in 2017, the latter revealed this button to the "Associated Press" and "Financial Times" journalists.

Absent button

This button disappeared from the office after Biden entered the White House. The image of the new American president appeared inside his presidential office, amid a bundle of presidential orders, and the famous absent red button was prominent

What is the red button that disappeared from the White House with Biden taking over

According to reports, this button was a means of alerting service personnel, and signifies Trump's immediate desire for a frozen "Diet Coke" bottle.

Commenting on a picture of Biden in the Oval Office, political commentator Tom Newton said on Twitter, “President Biden removed the (Diet Coke) button. When @ShippersUnbound and I interviewed Donald Trump in 2019, we became intrigued by what the little red button did. In conclusion, the US President pressed the button. Soon the butler brought Diet Cola on a silver plate. But the button is now gone. ”

Former White House employee Cliff Sims said in his book "Team Snakes." Trump used the "nuclear button joke" a lot, indicating that the former US president used to surprise his guests with the push of the red button, to the point of surprise. Even so, the former US president is said to have consumed 12 Diet Coke cans daily

By : Admin
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