The correct way to wash and purify vegetables and fruits ...

The correct way to wash and purify vegetables and fruits ...

1- Vegetables and fruits are washed under running water and rubbed well to get rid of the remnants of dirt and microbes on their surface. In fruits that contain a lot of dust such as potatoes or citrus fruits, they can be rubbed with a clean brush. Vegetables and fruits can be soaked in vinegar and water for a quarter of an hour, then rub them well under water Ongoing

2- In the case of leafy vegetables such as lettuce, which may contain small insects or snails inside, they are soaked in a mixture consisting of 2 cups of water + 2 tablespoons of salt + lemon and left for a minute to five minutes at most, then soaked in water and vinegar, or water and permanganate in its pocket From the pharmacy .. Soak for 15 minutes, then rinse under running water and leave to dry.

3- In the case of sensitive fruits whose taste is affected, such as berries, they are sprinkled with diluted lemon juice 2 cups of water + half a cup of lemon, then soak the berries in pure water for 15 minutes, then leave to dry and then put in the refrigerator.

You can make a cleansing solution for fruits and vegetables before eating them, as shown in the pictures.
The correct way to wash and purify vegetables and fruits ...

By : Admin
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