In 10 countries ... 372 thousand children were born on the first day of 2021 | details

In 10 countries ... 372 thousand children were born on the first day of 2021 | details

On the first day of the new year 2021, the United Nations Children's Fund "UNICEF" published a report on its official website, in which it expected the birth of about 372 thousand children around the world on the first day of the year 2021.

In 10 countries ... 372 thousand children were born on the first day of 2021 | details

The United Nations Children's Fund also predicted that the first child will be born in 2021 in Fiji, which is located in the Pacific Ocean, and the last child born on January 1 will be in the United States.

UNICEF estimated that more than half of these births will take place in 10 countries: India (59,995), China (35,615), Nigeria (21439), Pakistan (14161), Indonesia (12336), Ethiopia (12006), the United States (10,312) and Egypt (9,455). Bangladesh (9,236) and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (8,640.

UNICEF expected that the number of people who will be born in the year 2021 will reach about 140 million children in the world, noting that it expects that the average life expectancy will reach 84 years.

As for the names, the report of the international organization mentioned the most common children's names in selected countries around the time of the establishment of UNICEF, in Australia, for example, males and females (John, Margaret), in China (Ming, Chulan), and in Croatia (Ivan, Marija) And in Denmark (Eric, Christine), in France (Jean, Marie), in Germany (Hans, Renate), in Russia (Evan, Maria), in Spain (Jose, Maria, Carmen) and in the United Kingdom (John, Margaret) and in the United States ( James, Mary).

By : Admin
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