If men have a yeast infection or vaginal candidiasis, how is the infection transmitted and what are the symptoms?

If men have a yeast infection or vaginal candidiasis, how is the infection transmitted and what are the symptoms?

Yeast infection or vaginal candidiasis occurs due to the presence of fungi in the female reproductive system, especially in the vulva, and it may be accompanied by secretions and pain that vary in degree from one case to another, but some doctors have found that men are susceptible to infection with yeast that affects women.

If men have a yeast infection or vaginal candidiasis, how is the infection transmitted and what are the symptoms?

Unfortunately, yeast infection leads in some cases to severe complications such as swelling and ulcers, which must be treated quickly and not to let shyness control the individual because neglecting treatment will cause the condition to worsen.

And we reveal to you more about the details of yeast infection and its symptoms in men and women, according to the "webmd" website.

Common symptoms in men

Unfortunately, men can get yeast infection that affects women when there is an overgrowth of fungi (Candida) on the skin, and this happens if a man has sex with his wife who is infected with a vaginal yeast infection, and men who are more likely to have a female yeast infection are uncircumcised men. Uncircumcised men.

Symptoms of infection of men with female yeast infection

Here are the symptoms of men becoming infected with female yeast, which are:

Itching, burning, or redness in the penis

The presence of a thick white substance in the folds of the skin of the penis, and sometimes moisture.

Shiny white areas on the penis

And men must be careful when practicing intimate relations with their wife because yeast infection is common among women, where three out of every four women get it at least once in her life, but in many cases a woman gets infected several times.

Knowing how to spot the signs and symptoms of a yeast infection can help you get the most effective treatment.

Symptoms of vaginal yeast infection in women

If you have a vaginal yeast infection, you are likely to experience intense itching in and around the vagina. This is the most common symptom. Regardless of the itching, a woman may experience:

A burning feeling, especially when urinating or during sexual intercourse

Swelling and redness around the vulva

Pain and soreness in the vagina

A vaginal rash

You may suffer from vaginal secretions, which may be: watery, thick, white, cottage cheese, or odorless

By : Admin
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