Download the story of the prisoner of Zenda, book of the ministry pdf

Download the story of the prisoner of Zenda, book of the ministry pdf

A brief synopsis of the story of a prisoner of Zenda, who is in third grade of high school:

The story of the prisoner of Zenda talks about several different things, which Rudolf Racendel was from a very rich English and he was twenty-nine years old, where he did not work because he had a lot of money and was well positioned in society. His sister-in-law was trying to persuade him to get a job. Sir Jacob Borrodelli, who was ambassador during six months of Rudolph, wanted to work for him, and Rose thinks this was a good opportunity for Rudolph. Rudolph agreed to take up the position and told Rose and his brother Robert that he was on a walking tour of the Alps and that he would write a book on the country's social problems, and several other things that the author adopted through the story and choice of Prisoner Zenda.

Download the story of the prisoner of Zenda, book of the ministry pdf

Contents on the story of Prisoner Zenda:


The story of Prisoner of Zinda contains many interesting thoughts and events, as it is the author's belief that various details of the way to enter politics are presented. Rudolph was different from his brother in appearance and character, and Rudolph believed that having a lot of money and a good position in society meant that he did not have to work, but his brother Robert believed that his position in society had responsibilities, and furthermore, Rudolph had red hair because he Long ago, one of his relatives, Countess Amelia Rassendel, married a member of the royal family, who was famous for her red hair and various other things.

Details of the story of the prisoner Zenda

One of the most important details of the story of the prisoner of Zenda and Rudolph lied to his family about going on a walking tour in the Alps, and through what was actually shown was going to Ruritania to attend the coronation of the new king Rudolf V, and he lied because he did not want his family to stop him, and on his way to Ruritania He spent a day in Paris where he met two old friends: George Featherly who worked at the embassy, ​​and Bertram Bertrand who was a famous journalist in Paris, and George Rudolph told about Antoinette de Maupan, who was known for her wealth and ambition, and the story of the prisoner of Zenda is presented through other details. .

Summary and details of the story of the prisoner of Zenda:

And it can add to the Duke of Streslow, Duke Michael, the half-brother of the King of Ruritania, and the Duke was the favorite son of his father, and he returned to Streslow to make preparations for the coronation of his brother, and the next day, Rudolf Racendel boarded the train to Dresden, as was Antoinette de Mauban in the same train. In Dresden, as well as the story of a prisoner of Zenda, Rudolf and Antoinette de Mauban took another train to Ruritania.

Quote from prisoner Zenda story:

When they reached the Romanian border, guards checked their passports. They were very surprised to see Rudolph looking just like a king. Rudolph stopped in Zenda, a town near the border, because all hotels in the capital, Strelau, were full.

Likewise, the story of the prisoner of Zenda shows the case of De Mopan on the train for her trip to the capital, and Rudolph stayed in a hostel run by an old woman and her two daughters, and other things that this old lady, the owner of the hostel, loves dearly, loves Duke Michael and wished that he would be the king instead of his brother, and others In the story Prisoner Zenda.

Likewise, Duke Michael always lived in Ruritania and he cared about people, so people loved him, but his brother Rudolf Elfberg was abroad for most of his life and many people did not know how he looked, and he liked hunting and so on.

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