Do not neglect it ... There are hidden dangers behind feeling pain in the northern part of the abdomen

Do not neglect it ... There are hidden dangers behind feeling pain in the northern part of the abdomen

We often suffer from abdominal pain and we sometimes ignore it because it is minor and we think it is occasional. But if the pain is concentrated in the north, you have to be careful, and among the most important causes of this pain, according to dailymedicalinfo, are the following:

1- Flat gases

It is one of the conditions that cause this pain and is not dangerous, and the pain is usually concentrated in the lower part of the left side, and you can know whether the pain is caused by stomach gases or not through the symptoms associated with it. Where the pain is accompanied by heartburn, diarrhea, or constipation.

2- Indigestion

Indigestion usually occurs after eating, with the pain appearing in the upper left side. In rare cases, it may also affect the lower part, which is a mild case and is accompanied by a group of different symptoms such as a feeling of discomfort, or heartburn, a feeling of bloating, belching, gas, and a feeling of nausea.

3- Irritable Bowel Syndrome

It is a condition that may cause pain on the left side of the abdomen from the top, and you can realize that the pain is caused by this condition in the event that you feel the presence of cramps in the abdomen, usually accompanied by a case of diarrhea or constipation, as well as the appearance of stool with mucus, and the presence of Flatulence

4- Diverticulitis


Diverticulitis causes symptoms, the main of which are: fever. Nausea Vomiting Tummy ache. Constipation or diarrhea in some cases.

 5- Inflammatory bowel disease


It is a disease that expresses the disorders that cause infections of the digestive system, and among the most famous cases is ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, and you can know if the left side pain is caused by it or not by recognizing its symptoms, which are: Feeling tired or tired. Fever, cramping and pain in the abdominal area. diarrhea. Bloody stool. Unexplained weight loss. Anorexia.

6- Kidney stones Kidney stones occur as a result of the accumulation of waste in the kidneys and then sticking to each other, and it is one of the conditions that causes pain in the upper part, and kidney stones cause symptoms of the most important: acute pain in the abdomen and back. Feeling pain when urinating. Vomiting Nausea Blood in urine.

 7- An enlarged spleen

It is one of the conditions that causes pain in the upper part of the left side, and it can occur for a number of different reasons, the most famous of which is infection, usually the enlargement of the spleen is accompanied by a number of symptoms, the most important of which are: Feeling full quickly and after eating small amounts of food. Back pain on the left side. Back pain that spreads to the shoulder. Shortness of breath. Feeling tired.

 8- Endocarditis

It is an inflammation of the inner lining of the heart, and it causes pain in the upper part of the left side, and you can recognize the condition through its symptoms, which are:

Heart failure. Fever. hole in the heart. Fatigue. Unexplained weight loss. Mild abdominal pain. Feeling full even after eating a small meal.

 9- Pancreatitis

It causes the emergence of pain on the left side of the abdomen in the upper part specifically, and you can recognize it through the symptoms of pancreatitis, which are: Abdominal pain that radiates to the back. Abdominal pain that gets worse after eating. stomachache. fever. Vomiting and nausea. Increased heart rate.

You should visit the doctor if you have pain in the left side of the abdomen with one or more of these conditions:

Mild pain persists for more than a week. No improvement in severe pain within 48 hours.

If the pain recurs or becomes more severe.

If the pain accompanies swelling and persists for more than two days.

If the pain is accompanied by unexplained weight loss.

If it is accompanied by diarrhea that lasts for more than 5 days.

If there is a fever. If the pain is accompanied by a burning sensation in the urine.



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