On New Year's Eve ... eating habits that threaten your health

On New Year's Eve ... eating habits that threaten your health

Within hours, the world celebrates New Year's Eve and the beginning of 2021, and some are keen on this night to eat unhealthy foods that threaten their health, as it is one of the most prominent manifestations of the celebration.

On New Year's Eve ... eating habits that threaten your health

Dr. Jihan Al-Demerdash, a therapeutic dietitian, obesity and thinness, revealed the worst eating habits that must be avoided on New Year's Eve, the most important of which are the following:

Excessive eating of sweets and chocolate is the worst eating habits and leads to weight gain and the possibility of diabetes and digestive problems.

Drink soft drinks and coffee in an amount that causes the stomach to fill with liquids and causes food regurgitation

Eating fried foods a lot and fatty fast food from restaurants increases cholesterol in the blood and increases weight

Eating late in food makes it difficult to sleep because it has not been digested and increases weight

Not drinking enough water leads to severe headaches and dehydration, or drinking water while eating leads to the appearance of the stomach

By : Admin
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