How to make perfumes at home

How to make perfumes at home

In an era of high prices, and in the midst of fantastically high prices for perfumes, acquiring a good perfume becomes a very expensive process. Therefore, you can install your own perfume at home inexpensively compared to commercial perfumes, and with simple ingredients.

How to make perfumes at home

In this regard, the American site "Instructions" reviewed how to install perfumes in a simple way at home.

Ingredients .. How to make perfumes at home

You need a high percentage of alcohol, essential aromatic oils. It is also possible to use flavor extracts such as vanilla, but you must make sure that it is raw and glycerin.

The synthesis process requires aromatic water, a dripper, a measuring cup, a glass container, and aluminum foil as well.

Identify the components of the fragrance .. How to make perfumes at home

Sterilize and disinfect the perfume bottle first to make sure it is clean, then measure a quarter of a cup of alcohol and place it in the container.

In the next step, we get to know the concentration of the perfume, in case you want a strong aromatic scent, as the main base for your perfume. You should use the following ingredients: sandalwood, cedar, and vetiver.

You should then put on a transitional scent, that is, the one that you inhale after the fragrance has calmed down, such as: basil, rosemary and lavender. Finally, we put the instant scent in the bowl. That is, those that you inhale as soon as you spray a perfume, such as: lemon, orange or mint.

Composition .. How to make perfumes at home

Apply about 25 drops of essential essential oil, then add a few drops of transitional essential oils. Stir well and smell your own perfume, if you feel it needs more. Add until you feel satisfied with the desired scent.

If you are a beginner and are afraid to make a mistake while creating the fragrance components. It is preferable to divide the alcohol into fewer samples and experiment with different aromatic formations. Until you feel good about the final product.

The final product .. How to make perfumes at home

Once you are satisfied with the scent of the perfume, put it in its bottle. In a cool, dark place for a period ranging from 48 hours to a month.

Leaving the fragrance to brew make the scents mix together and become stronger and better.

After brewing the fragrance, add two teaspoons of aromatic water. If you want a spray, add more. And add 5 drops of glycerin to preserve the fragrance.

Finally, don't forget to put aluminum foil on your perfume bottle to protect it from the sun. If you use a transparent bottle, otherwise the fragrance will be gone.

By : Admin
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